Principais áreas de trabalho

Minha missão como advogada brasileira estabelecida no exterior é colaborar através da prestação de um serviço eficaz e de qualidade a fim de que os clientes, sejam estrangeiros ou brasileiros residindo principalmente fora do Brasil, tenham satisfeitas as demandas indicadas acima e outras dentro da minha área de atuação.


Casamento, Separação, Divórcio, Adoção, Alimentos são temas correntes da nossa vida. Muitas vezes podem estar submetidos a outras legislações que não só a nacional. Alguns atos jurídicos regulados pelo direito estrangeiro que impliquem numa mudança de status jurídico necessitam ser comunicados ao país de origem a fim de se atualizar a situação jurídica do nacional. Por esta razão, faz-necessário o aconselhamento ou mesmo a intervenção de um profissional sobretudo no caso do reconhecimento das sentenças estrangeiras no Brasil a fim de que produzam seus efeitos.


The foreigner who intends to enter or even settle in Brazilian territory, depending on the purpose, needs to apply for some type of visa with the national authorities. The professional of Brazilian law will be able to advise you as to the formalities to be obeyed in order to obtain it, or to transfer it and, for the foreigner who meets the conditions, to accompany you in the naturalization processes. In addition, guide you on tax issues, such as taxes payable, how to declare income, assets, etc. with the competent bodies.

To those who wish to open a business in Brazil as a foreigner, guidance on the legal form to be adopted and the activities that can be developed. To those who wish to exercise their profession in Brazil, guidance on the recognition of diplomas and the possibility of exercising it in the country.


In general, the acquisition of real estate in Brazil is not prohibited to foreigners. However, he must be very careful, especially if he does not live or does not know the country’s legislation well. Thus, before signing the purchase and sale contract, it is necessary to conduct a survey not only in relation to the property but also in relation to the owner, in addition to other preventive measures advisable in order to avoid surprises in the future. In this way, it is essential to surround yourself with a professional of law in the country in order to mediate or even negotiate the purchase and sale contract.